noise & silence – “insert poetry everywhere anywhere here.” a poem by Donna Fleischer

insert poetry everywhere anywhere here.
by Donna Fleischer

Bar-do teachings say when the dead person walks into the sun, she sees no shadow;

when she looks into a mirror she sees no reflection; when she steps out of the stream

she has no footprints. In this way she learns that she is dead

continued at  Source: noise & silence

  1. Hi, Donna! Thank you for posting this with the link to noise & silence. It’s so nice to have a chance to hear more about your influences in poetry/life.

    • hello, dear Joanne. I’m grateful for your interest and your own writer’s curiosity. Thank you for letting me know. xo, Donna

      • Will be in touch soon about a Boiler House Poets Collective web page under development. Well, I’m hoping for soon, but we’ll have to see how quickly I can get the project to the right point.

      • Glad to hear it, whenever that may be. What a worthy project!

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