Archive for October, 2010

TEDxDU – Aaron Huey – 5/13/2010 (on the Lakota to consider on Indigenous People’s Day)


~ with gratitude to The Maddow Blog for broadcasting this video

Columbus Day and Oppression — Against Humans, Against Animals, Against Nature / Animal Rights & AntiOppression



Columbus Day and Oppression–Against Humans, Against Animals, Against Nature « Animal Rights & AntiOppression.

Mutts — The Official Site for Mutts Comics — Earl, Mooch and pals — Patrick McDonnell



Mutts — The Official Site for Mutts Comics — Earl, Mooch and pals — Patrick McDonnell.

Jon Eastman / Pamet Crossing

Pamet Crossing by John Eastman (2010)

The Simpsons / Introduction by Banksy

Tullio DeSantis’ “Neurrealism dot Net” 2010

“Neurrealism dot Net”  (ink on paper and digital image, 2010)

You rise  from bed

You rise from bed like
an island from the waves.
Your hair blows like palms
and the whole of you is capped
by clouds, and stars I cannot see. I
journey on the dunes of you
until a halt, when drink makes
your body rise and fall. I welcome
storms and a clutching
to the breadth of you. I take
hold and rest my face,
listening to the quickened
air. I touch the rain
upon your cheek. I whisper
that we are safe, and
the heart of me shall never
leave; the storm quiets
as we watch the night
blanket and hide us
on the sea.

Charles Bane Jr
October 10, 2010
Charles Bane Jr




Lovers With Red Sun (1960) by Marc Chagall



Beirut / La Llorona

LGBT Celebrate National Coming Out Day Oct. 11th / POPDECAY



LGBT Celebrate National Coming Out Day Oct. 11th | POPDECAY.

Tenement Way of Life – Reflections on the value of the person-to-person connection by Yuko Tanaka / INVIGILATOR



Tenement Way of Life – Reflections on the value of the person-to-person connection by Yuko Tanaka – INVIGILATOR.