Archive for March, 2014

Spiral Orb Eight: “Aurora Corona” by Donna Fleischer

word pond

Aurora Corona

Donna Fleischer

There is only unrepeatability. The sun

Comes up from the night bringing it form.

It is expected. Metaphorized. Distanced. Not to feel

fear of the dank crowded earth each time, of

darkness overwhelming. We crouch and wait in that house that is dawn.

We strut. We tell ourselves lies that are longings. How to prepare for the thing that has

not happened? The languished pink clover petals today soften me. They will straighten with some rain. This is the season for memory, never to repeat, to turn the raw sight to illusion.

We can try mostly what is easy and slides down the throat like a clotted egg, or insist on difficulty, when each moment that could break off in the hands gushes


Spiral Orb is an experiment in juxtaposition, interrelationships, and intertextuality— a cross-pollination. This opening poem composts fragments from each of the…

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Queer Poetics Symposium: Equinox Notes plus Twitter Feed | Was Jack Kerouac A Punjabi?

1978510_831740043509459_722645164_oL – R: Ana Bozicevic, Lucas de Lima, Teresa Carmody, and Trace Peterson

Queer Poetics Symposium | Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics

Squandermania and other foibles: You do not really feel that.

Squandermania and other foibles: You do not really feel that..

Please continue to help the search for missing poet Martin Lucas from Preston, North of England, U.K. | Area 17

Martin Lucas Stepping StonesMartin Lucas, gifted British poet, essayist, editor, and publisher

Search Continues for Missing British Poet Martin Lucas | Area 17

Poems and Poetics: Julie Carr and Jeffrey C. Robinson: From “An Introduction to Active Romanticism”


Cover drawing (“Ruckenfigur”) for Active Romanticism by Susan Bee

Poems and Poetics: Julie Carr and Jeffrey C. Robinson: From “An Introduction to Active Romanticism”.

New evidence supports Stanford physicist’s theory of how universe began

The 10-meter South Pole Telescope and the BICEP (Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization) Telescope against the Milky Way. BICEP2 recently detected gravitational waves in the cosmic microwave background, a discovery that supports the cosmic inflation theory of how the universe began. (Photo: Keith Vanderlinde, National Science Foundation) New evidence supports Stanford physicist’s theory of how universe began.

Trevor Paglen – The Last Pictures Project Video

Today’s Haiku (March 18, 2014) | Blue Willow Haiku World (by Fay Aoyagi)

春の夜をさかなの鰭が触れてゆく   松本恭子

haru no yo o sakana no hire ga fureteyuku

            spring night

            fish’s fin


                                    Kyoko Matsumoto

from “Gendai Haiku Shûsei” (“Modern Haiku Collection”) edited by Yasumasa Soda, Rippu Shobo, Tokyo, 1996

Fay Aoyagi, translation

Today’s Haiku (March 18, 2014) | Blue Willow Haiku World (by Fay Aoyagi).

Violeta Parra – Volver A Los 17

Thanks extend to * for sharing this song –DF


Rilke’s “Requiem For a Friend”

Rilke at the Hotel Biron, Paris 

We can so easily slip back from what we have struggled to attain, abruptly, into a life we never wanted; can find that we are trapped, as in a dream, and die there, without ever waking up. This can occur. Anyone who has lifted his blood into a years-long work may find that he can’t sustain it, the force of gravity is irresistible, and it falls back, worthless. For somewhere there is an ancient enmity between our daily life and the great work.

 Rilke — Requiem for a Friend