Archive for August, 2010

not an ode to haiku [9/85]

no intentional poetic devices in my poems
sure i know what kind of haiku sells
there’re always those who mess up the going thing
art of course has no rules to break

marlene mountain
pissed off poems and cross words


A pie tin of sparrows taking millet and yellow light in the late July afternoon. Muskrat taking its water young home across sharp rocks as if silken, plunging deeper, disappear. Everything germinated and growing, except a week ago, a blue jay, fallen back in his own arms, head turned to the right, eyes glinting from his soft pillow of death as if he’d been…well, loved. Belly and breast, mounds of song caved in now, pillaged flat against the faded blue shoulders. Feathered fishbones expose their stilled harp

the ruddy sun sets
a sparrow’s feather
left behind

Donna Fleischer
indra’s net, 2003

Bjork / Dull Flame of Desire

~ Video created by Christoph Jantos (Berlin/Germany) Masahiro Mogari (Tokyo) and Marçal Cuberta Junca (Girona/Spain)

~ thanks to Pamela Robertson-Pearce for making me aware of this new video

The Adventure of Photography / Jean Cocteau and Man Ray

Melita Sabljo – Žuta / vox feminae

vox feminae – 21h Melita Sabljo.

TOM CLARK: Crux (A Bumpersticker)

TOM CLARK: Crux (A Bumpersticker).

Listen, my child, to the silence., a poem by Federico Garcia Lorca

Listen, my child, to the silence.
It’s an undulating silence,
a silence
that brings valleys and echoes down
and bows foreheads
to the ground.

Federico Garcia Lorca
Scott Keeney, trans

Lesbian Cadet Leaves West Point for Yale /

Lesbian Cadet: Lesbian Cadet Leaves West Point for Yale –

Ariel Pink / Round and Round from Haunted Graffiti

LCD Soundsystem / Drunk Girls

~ hello carnivale!