Posts Tagged ‘ toxins ’

Orion Magazine | When the Time’s Toxins

When the Time’s Toxins

When the time’s toxins
have seeped into every cell

and like a salted plot
from which all rain, all green, are gone

I and life are leached
of meaning

somehow a seed
of belief

sprouts the instant
I acknowledge it:

little weedy hardy would-be

tugged upward
by light

while deep within
roots like talons

are taking hold again
of this our only earth.

Source: Orion Magazine | When the Time’s Toxins

What Cancer Takes Away by Anne Boyer | The New Yorker

Illustration by Bianca Bagnarelli

When I got sick, I warned my friends: Don’t try to make me stop thinking about death.

Source: What Cancer Takes Away | The New Yorker

An Artist’s Guide to Herbs: Blue Vervain – BOMB Magazine

The black music of herbs.

Source: An Artist’s Guide to Herbs: Blue Vervain – BOMB Magazine

A Eulogy for Robert Smithson: The Center for Land Use Interpretation’s Tour of the Meadowlands « FOP

A Eulogy for Robert Smithson: The Center for Land Use Interpretation’s Tour of the Meadowlands « FOP.

The Story of Cosmetics (2010)

Thanks to Clean Water Action for e-mailing this today.